Coming from a large family, we are frequently having overnight guests. Sometimes I have plenty of notice and other times a visit just leads in to an overnight stay. It was during one of these visits that I vowed to have my guest room essentials at the ready. With our children growing up and moving on, I am now able to actually have a designated guest room. However, many people find that they are quickly having to turn a kids room in to a guest room for a night or two which can be easily and comfortably done without too much effort.

Guest Room IdeasFirst and foremost is the bed or sleeping arrangements. Of course you want to provide as comfortable a bed as possible for your guest. But, whatever you are converting into your guest sleeping quarters, make sure you provide clean, fresh linens and pillows. In my case, I have designated certain pillows, sheets and bed covers specifically for when guests are visiting. There is nothing worse than having to sleep on a stinky teenage boy’s pillow and blanket. Sorry boys but its true…you grow funk at night. If possible, hang your guest linens outside to get them good and fresh; if you can’t do this, a tumble in the dryer with half a dryer sheet will do the trick…nothing too fully scented as many people are bothered by strong scents. I also like to freshen up the room by opening the windows and turning on the ceiling fan for a bit during the day prior to their arrival!
Second, try and remove most of the clutter from the room (stuffed toys off the bed, laundry and shoes put away). Having a cleared night stand next to the bed with a pretty vase or candle is a nice touch. Try covering the table with a decorative clothe or pretty scarf. If you have a spare clock put it in the room but not one of those ticking things. It will drive your guest nuts!
Third, put a spare chair or stool in the room, to allow your guests somewhere to sit and/or to place their suitcase. I also keep a hook on the back of the door for hanging items. The hook keeps my guest’s items visible and they wind up with less items left behind.
Other items you will want to put out for your guests are a coaster and fresh glass of ice water, some magazines or books of interests and putting out fresh towels and a pretty bar of soap is a must and will let your guest know you are trying to make them comfortable.
Just before going to bed, always ask your guests if they have everything they need. I let them know where the makings for coffee are or try to have the coffee pot made up and scheduled to come on in the morning.
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